Free sheet music for spirituals
Welcome to the free sheet music page for spirituals and gospel songs.
The music has been arranged for many combination of instuments (e.g. organ, recorder, flute, piano, keyboard, violin etc).
You may download all sheet music pdf-files and midi files with sound samples on this page without restrcitions.
Click on the title to hear a sample of the music and click on sheet music to see and print the score.
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Spirituals / Gospel
Abide with me - William Monk |
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Hymn, for flute or other melody instrument and piano or organ
Abide with me - Willam Monk |
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Hymn, for Bb-instrument (trumpet, clarinet etc) and organ or piano
All Things Bright and Beautiful - Anglican Hymn |
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for recorder or other melody instrument and piano, keyboard or organ
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All through the night - Trad. |
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Old Welsh melody. For organ or piano.
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Amazing Grace - American Hymn |
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$2,50 |
Tradition Hymn,arranged for Bb-trumpet and organ or piano
This item is not free anymore, but can be purchased at costs of 1.95 Euro or 2,50 US dollar with order number:(NMS001)
Be Thou My Vision - Trad. |
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Traditional Irish Hymn. Arrangement for flute and guitar. Including lyrics and chords
Chanukah Blessings - Trad. |
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Traditional Jewish Chanukah song, for the lighting of the menora. For voice or instrument and piano. Including lyrics and chords
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Christ Arose - R.Lowry |
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$2,50 |
Easter Hymn, arranged for vioin/voice and piano. Including lyrics and guitar chords
This item is not free anymore, but can be purchased at costs of 1.95 Euro or 2,50 US dollar with order number:(NMS005)
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Come And Go With Me - Trad. |
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Traditional Spiritual: "Come and go with me to that land". For voice or instrument, guitar and bass.
Crimond - English Choral |
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aka "The Lord's My Shepherd", for Bb-instrument (trumpet, clarinet, soprano sax) and organ, keyboard or piano
Crimond - English Choral |
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aka "The Lord's My Shepherd", for C-instrument (flute, recorder, violin, etc) and organ, keyboard or piano
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Da Jesus and dem Kreuze stund - Trad. |
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"When Jesus stood by the Cross" is a Lutheran Passion hymn. For organ or piano.
Day by Day - Ahnfelt |
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Hymn for piano or keyboard. Including lyrics and chords
Do Lord - Trad. |
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Traditional spiritual. For piano or keyboard and guitar. Including lyrics and chords.
Easter Hymn - L.Davidica |
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"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", for alto sax and piano or organ
Easter Hymn - L.Davidica |
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"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", for flute and piano or organ
Easter Hymn - L.Davidica |
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"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", for piano or organ
Easter Hymn - L.Davidica |
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"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", for Bb-clarinet and piano or organ
Easter Hymn - L.Davidica |
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"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", for Bb-trumpet and piano or organ
Easter Hymn - L.Davidica |
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"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", for violin and piano or organ
Ein Feste Burg - M.Luther |
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"A Mighty Fortress", arranged for Bb trumpet, flute and orgel
Er nahm Alles wohl in Acht - J.S.Bach |
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Choral from "Johannes Passion", for voice and organ or piano
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Freedom is coming - Trad. |
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Traditional South Afdrican spiritual, for mixed koor, piano and percussion. Including lyrics, chords ans mp3 sound file
Glory, Glory - Trad. |
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Traditional Spiritual: Glory, glory, when I laid my burden down. Arrangement for keyboard/piano and guitars. Including lyrics and chords
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Glory, Glory, Hallelujah - Trad. |
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$2,50 |
Ordernr:(KEY228) / Americam Hymn (1862), also known as "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"
Go Down Moses - Trad. |
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Traditional spiritual. Arrangement for keyboard and guitar. Including lyrics and chords.
God of our Fathers - G.Warren |
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American Hymn, arrangement for Bb-trumpet and organ
He's got the whole world in His hands - Trad. |
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Traditional spiritual, for voice, trumpet, keyboard or piano, guitar, bass and drums. Including lyrics and chords
He Paid a Debt - Trad. |
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Traditional gospel song, for voice/instrument, piano and guitar. Including lyrics and chords.
Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen - J.S.Bach |
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Choral from "Mattheus Passion" ("St.Matthew Passion"), for voice and organ or piano
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How Great Thou Art - Trad. |
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$2,50 |
Hymn (Gospel song) for keyboard, guitar, bass and percussion. With lyrics and chords.
This item is not free anymore, but can be purchased at costs of 1.95 Euro or 2,50 US dollar with order number:(NMS004)
I Am a Pilgrim - Trad. |
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Traditional gospel song. For violin (of other instrument), guitar and bass. Including lyrics and chords.
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I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say - H.Bonar |
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Hymn (1846) arranged for pan flute (or other instrument) and guitar. Inluding lyrics and chords.
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I Vow To Thee, My Country - G.Holst |
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A British hymn from 1921. For organ or piano, including the lyrics of the first verse.
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I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go - M.Brown |
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Hymn, author: Mary Brown (1894), tune by Carrie E. Rounsefell. Arrangement for flute and guitar.
Ich Bete an die Macht der Liebe - D.Bortnianski |
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"I pray for the power of love", for organ, piano or keyboard
I'm On My Way - Trad. |
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Spiritual in rockstyle arrangement for voice (or instrument), piano/keyboard, guitar, bass and drums. Including lyrics and chords
I've Been 'Buked - Spiritual |
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for alto saxophone and piano, organ or keyboard
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Joshua fit the battle of Jericho - Trad. |
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African-American spiritual. Lead sheet with lyrics and chords.
Just a Closer Walk With Thee - Trad. |
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Traditional spiritual for voice (or violin) and piano, organ or keyboard
Just Over in the Glory Land - E.S.Dean |
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Gospel song (1906). For piano and guitar. Including lyrics and chords
Kumbaya - Negro Spiritual |
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for soprano recorder, alto recorder and rythm guitar and bass
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Little David - Trad. |
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"Little David, play on your harp" is a tradional American spiritual. Arranged for instrument or voice and piano.
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Little Moses - Trad. |
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Traditional spiritual, was made popular by The Carter Family in 1929. Lead sheet with lyrics and guitar chords.
Lonesome Valley - Trad. |
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Traditional spiritual in jazzy arrangement for 2 guitars. Including chords
Make Me a Channel of Blessing - H.G.Smith |
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Hymn (1903), for piano or organ, including lyrics
Michael Row The Boat Ashore - Spiritual |
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for recorder or other instrument, keybaord and guitar
Nearer my God to Thee - L.Mason |
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Hymn, arranged for oboe, trombone (or other instruments), keyboard (organ), guitar, bass and drums
Nearer my God to Thee - L.Mason |
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Hymn, arranged fot violin (or voice), cello, keyboard (organ), guitar, bass and drums
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Never Alone - L.D.Pickett |
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Hymn of Praise, also known as: "I've seen the lightning flashing", for organ or piano. Including lyrics and chords
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Nobody knows the trouble I've seen - Trad. |
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$2,50 |
Traditional spiritual for flute and piano or organ
This item is not free anymore, but can be purchased at costs of 1.95 Euro or 2,50 US dollar with order number:(NMS002)
O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden - J.S.Bach |
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Choral from "Matthäus Passion", for voice and organ.
O Perfect Love - J.Barnby |
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Popular wedding hymn for voice or instrument and organ or piano.
O Take My Hand, Dear Father - F.Silcher |
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Old German hymn (1842): "So nimm denn meine Hände", for organ or piano. With English lyrics
Oh, Freedom - Trad. |
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Old spiritual, for voice (or instrument), piano or organ and guitar. Including lyrics and chords
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Oh, Mary Don't You Weep - Trad. |
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Traditional Spiritual. For voice or instrument with guitar and bass. Including lyrcis and chords.
Old Hundredth - Psalm |
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melody of psalm 134, for organ or piano
Old Time Religion - Spiritual |
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for lead guitar, piano, rythm guitar and bass
Onward, Christian Soldiers - A.Sullivan |
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for piano, keyboard or organ
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Precious Memories - J.B.F. Wright |
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Traditional Gospel Hymn. For voice (or instrument), lead guitar, rhythm gutar and bass. Including lyrics and chords
Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It - W.Kirkpatrick |
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Gospel song. For voice or instrument and piano. Including lyrics and chords.
Rise and Shine - Spiritual |
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for recorder and piano
Rock-a My Soul - Spiritual |
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for Bb-clarinet and piano
Rock of Ages - American spiritual |
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for flute or other melody instrument and piano or organ
Siyahamba - Trad. |
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Traditional South-African spiritual. Also known as: "We are marching in the name of God". For mixed choir and piano. Including Zulu- and English lyrics.
Simple Gifts - Shaker Spiritual |
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American Shaker song, for violin or other musical instrument and piano or keyboard.
So nimm denn meine Hände - F.Silcher |
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Old German hymn (1842), for organ or piano. With German lyrics
Standing in the Need of Prayer - Spiritual |
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for piano and rhytm gitaar
Swing low, sweet chariot - Trad. |
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Traditional spiritual, for trombone and piano.
Tell Me, Dear Lord - Trad. |
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Prayer song, for organ or piano. Including lyrics and chords
The Gospel Train - Spiritual |
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for alto saxophone and piano
The Great Speckled Bird - Trad. |
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Traditional Country Gospel. For voice/instrument, guitars and bass. Including lyrics and chords.
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The Old Account - Trad. |
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Gospel song: "The old account was settled". For voice (or instrument),piano, guitar and bass. With lyrics and chords
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This Little Light of Mine - Trad. |
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$2,50 |
Spiritual for voice/instrument and piano. Including lyrics and chords
This item is not free anymore, but can be purchased at costs of 1.95 Euro or 2,50 US dollar with order number:(NMS003)
Twelve Gates to the City - Trad. |
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Traditional southern spiritual, arranged for tenor saxophone, guitar and bass
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We Gather Together - Trad. |
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"We Gather Together to Ask the Lord's Blessing" is a Christian hymn of Dutch origin.
In the United States it is associated with "Thanksgiving Day".
We Shall Not Be Moved - Trad. |
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Traditional Country Gospel song. For voice/instrument and guitar. Including lyrics and chords.
We Shall Overcome - Gospel song |
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for flute, piano (or keyboard), guitar and bass. Guitartabs included in score.
Were you there ? - Trad. |
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Traditional spiritual (Were you there when they crucified my Lord ?), for violin, cello and piano. Including lyrics and chords
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When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder - Trad. |
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$2,50 |
Traditional American gospel song. Arrangement for voice and piano or keypoard.
This item is not for free and can be purchased at costs of 1.95 Euro or 2,50 US dollar with order number:(KEY163)
When the Saints Go Marching In - American spiritual |
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for recorder / flutefluit or other melody instrument and guitar / bass
Whispering Hope - American gospel |
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for recorder, organ (or keyboard), guitar and bass
 mp3 |
Will the Circle Be Unbroken - Trad. |
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$2,50 |
Traditional Country Gospel. For piano/keyboard and guitars. Including lyrcis and chords.
This item is not free anymore, but can be purchased at costs of 1.95 Euro or 2,50 US dollar with order number:(NMS006)